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Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) works to improve the standard of living and quality of life for all Canadians. We do this by promoting a labour force that is highly skilled. We also promote an efficient and inclusive labour market. ESDC has multiple teams working in digital accessibility with the goal of creating a barrier free environment for Canadians and employees!

Centre of Expertise for Accessible Client Service

The Centre of Expertise for Accessible Client Service helps to foster an accessibility-focused culture by offering expert advice and support to:

  • Adopt inclusive design principles into new or existing program design and service improvement initiatives;
  • Understand the way people live with a disability and the service barriers that create a challenge for them;
  • Identify the accessibility solutions that will make it easier for clients to access our programs and services;
  • Lead on the program and service design and delivery to realize Goal 4 of the Public Service Accessibility Strategy (PSAS).

ESDC Accessibility Office

The ESDC Accessibility Office is responsible for development and implementation of the Department’s accessibility plan, including ensuring the requirements under the Accessible Canada Act related to publishing the plan, receiving feedback and reporting on progress are met. The ESDC Accessibility Office collaborates with and convenes partners both within and outside ESDC, working horizontally together to achieve the goal of identifying, eliminating and preventing barriers to accessibility.

IT Accessibility Office

The IT Accessibility Office (ITAO) remains to be a provider of adaptive technology and an advocate for inclusiveness of people with disabilities in the workplace. We are demonstrated leaders, committed to our accessibility mandate, continuing to provide support to employees with disabilities. In accordance with the Accessible Canada Act and in collaboration with our partners in central agencies, we recommend internationally recognized standards, guidelines and best practices. Our services span over topics such as procurement, training, awareness, product assessments, as well as expert advice on Accessible Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

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