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People who are blind have a range of conditions from severely reduced visual acuity to complete loss of vision and light perception. A variety of software and hardware is used to provide accommodations for employees who are blind.

Information and Awareness on Accessibility Topics

The IT Accessibility Office offers awareness services. We provide information on accessibility related matters.

Blindness is a visual impairment, where an individual has a near or complete loss of vision. There exists a verity of software and hardware that provides accommodations for legally blind employees.

Client's Need Assessment of Adaptive Technology (AT)

The IT Accessibility Office offers insight and guidance in meeting the needs of the blind. By developing a strategy suited to individual needs, we can determine the best adaptive technology (AT) to be made available for client use.

End-User Support for Adaptive Technology (AT)

We provide support with adaptive technology for blind users. Here are our most common products:

General Requests for Adaptive Technology (AT)

You may submit a general inquiry. The IT Accessibility Office is dedicated to respond to general requests for adaptive Technology (AT).

Loan Bank Services

The IT Accessibility Office maintains, reviews and procures adaptive technology for a short-term loan bank. Items loaned out can be evaluated to determine if they are useful to individuals who are blind.

Support for Accessibility Learning Curriculum

The IT Accessibility Office provides advice on the learning curriculum for accessibility. You can submit information requests or consult the Learning section on our website.

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